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What is the price of Idena?

The price of Idena (IDNA) is $0.027235956308 today with a 24-hour trading volume of $79,964.87. This represents a -3.707553084175877% price decline in the last 24 hours and a -15.94488475669355% price decline in the past 7 days. With a circulating supply of 65 Million IDNA, Idena is valued at a market cap of $1,791,429 . Where can you buy Idena?

What is ideas (ideas)?

IDEAS is an ERC20 token that functions on the Ethereum blockchain, and is used for: Fees for processing transactions and storing data. Used for governance votes to determine some functionalities on the platform. How Many IDEAS Are There in Circulation? IDEAS has a fixed supply of 300 Million tokens, no more additional tokens can be minted.

What is a teddy's coin called?

Teddy’s Coin – A common name for J-1776, the unique gold striking of the 1907 Indian Head double eagle, designed by Augustus Saint-Gaudens at the request of President Theodore Roosevelt. Ten – The common term for a $10 gold coin, also known as an eagle. Ten Indian – A common name for the $10 gold Indian Head eagle.

What is the ideas platform?

IDEAS is a decentralized application platform designed to be a shared space that works on cryptocurrency and brings together entrepreneurs, investors, and skills. On the IDEAS Platform users can: Post their projects to find ‎interested investors. Borrow crypto from other users. Apply for donations to their causes or projects.

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